Sara Soufsaf, n/a: No financial relationships to disclose
Objectives: "PMXModelStructuR" is an R shiny tool designed to streamline the representation of pharmacometrics models in R. This tool aims to provide a standardized and user-friendly platform for model visualization, facilitating collaboration and communication among team members.
Methods: "PMXModelStructuR" leverages the capabilities of the "grViz"[1] package and a text-based DOT [2] language to create visually appealing and informative diagrams of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic models. The "grViz" package is a tool used in the R programming language for creating interactive visualizations of graph data structures. DOT provides a simple way to specify nodes, edges, and their attributes, allowing users to create sophisticated visualizations with relatively little effort. In our experience "PKModelStructuR" simplifies the process of drawing models compared to manual methods, enhancing efficiency and accuracy. This flexibility extends to graphical elements such as automatic numbering of compartments and rate constants. With "PKModelStructuR", users can easily modify various model features, including compartment labels, connecting compartments, grouping compartments (e.g. for different sample matrices), and intercompartmental labels. Aesthetic elements can also be modified for further customization, such as colors, shapes and sizes.
Results: The implementation of "PMXModelStructuR" allows for the representation of both simple and complex pharmacometrics models. It includes predefined templates for common models features, such as 1 to 3 compartments, first-order absorption, parallel fast and slow absorption, and first-order elimination. These templates enable users to quickly generate model diagrams with standardized layouts and annotations. The output is a figure in the form of a "grViz" object representing the pharmacometrics model. Its implementation in a Shiny app enhances user interaction, enabling seamless modification of model attributes, code copying, and diagram export.
Conclusions: "PMXModelStructuR" offers a valuable tool for pharmacometricians, researchers, and practitioners involved in pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic modeling. Its integration with R provides a seamless environment for model visualization, promoting consistency, clarity, and efficiency in model representation and communication.
Citations: [1] Iannone, R. & Roy, O. _DiagrammeR: Graph/Network Visualization_. R package version 1.0.11. (2024). [2] DOT Language.